Writing a project proposal isn't rocket science, but it is a lot harder if you don't have something like a template to give you a head start. SOUTHWESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT RFP 1819 –0161 Unified Communications & Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) 1 Southwestern Community College District Request for Proposal (RFP) No. I have attached the instruction and a template that should be followed. The slab will be designed using the loadings stated on page 9 of this paper. must also be analyzed and the proposal is the best way of intimating our plans to the university. Introduction An application that runs at the network application layer and above is referred to a network service. CMIT 320 Part 1 Vulnerability Assessment. The Maryland legislature recently approved funding sufficient to pay for the development of this proposal. Include as much detail as possible as well as justification as to your selections.